Family businesses all around Australia should be celebrating today, for its National Family Business Day!
Family businesses come in many shapes and sizes and account for 70% of all businesses in Australia. The sector employs no less than 50% of our workforce.
Family businesses are the cornerstone that can lead to great entrepreneurial brands and companies like Betts Shoes, the Kailis family businesses, Haigh’s Chocolates and Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, just to name a few. Like all businesses, a family business can have advantages, such as flexibility, and disadvantages, such as family conflicts.
For family businesses, it means turning a profit without tearing the family apart. But what happens when profit and conflict are combined under the one roof? World War III? To help your business run smoothly, here are 8 top tips in making it work:
1. Leave work at work, home life stays at home
2. Have clear roles for each family member and know everybody’s strengths
3. Use outside advisors for unbiased advice
4. Have a good management structure – don’t confuse ownership or inheritance with management
5. Be open with communication, good and bad. Seek out everyone’s input
6. Clearly outline entry and exit conditions for family members involved with the business from the beginning
7. Develop a succession plan and make sure that all parties agree on the transfer of ownership
8. Hold regular meetings and family getaways
Family businesses often have intimate history and complex cultures that are hard for outsiders to comprehend. Family businesses can be successful with focus, planning and paying attention to detail.
What can you do as a family business? By following 5 key steps family businesses can create a viable succession plan, provide for the financial independence of retiring owners and position the business for continued success and growth:
Step 1: Establish Goals and Objectives
Step 2: Establish a Decision-Making Process
Step 3: Establish the Succession Plan
Step 4: Create a Business and Owner Estate Plan
Step 5: Create a Transition Plan
Taking these 5 steps now will save you money and time and will help assure the continued success of your business.
In recognition of National Family Business Day we are offering a free complimentary meeting regarding business succession planning for your family business. All you have to do is email us at and mention this article.
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